Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.

Just got a notice in my Email about this. Seems like the new design went into production in June. It does have me scratching my head a bit. I’m wondering if any Morrow Audio cable users (old or new design) have comments. The link will take you to the announcement that provides details on the new cable design including instructions for determining whether someone has received old or new design cables.

Keeping it real - I am, of course, talking about above average use with standard 120V or 240V  household use, not for a mega volt, industrial complex.
I do believe there are differences in cables and cords, not always for the better...Jim
It's amazing how someone's new best thing, was someone else's new best thing a decade ago, only now instead of $300.00 it's $3,000.00...Jim

R&D, marketing, parts, labor, equipments, employees, patents and rent will add up but $1,000, $5,000, and even $10,000 for a pair of cable or a power cord? C’mon man.
Mr Morrow is building up what he’s missing, reputation. Once he gets that, his cables cost will go beyond what you and I can afford.  
I haven't tried Morrow cables but Id say he's handled himself very well in this forum along with his very generous offer of 60% off for customers trading up to the new models.

Well done Morrow, wish you all the best.