Stillpoints - snake oil?

Anybody here using Stillpoints Ultras? My dealer thinks highly of them, but I am very suspicious.
fortunately most of these products can be tried either free or for minimal cost and decide yourself after listening in your own system...
Who said anything about recommending particular brands? I said generic. If the dealers providers of  amps, transports, TT etc.. convey to the dealer hey such and such cord or interconnect , isolation device works great with our product I am sure the dealer would be more than happy to sell them in his store . This is simple marketing 101 to create relationships,  assuming of course the manufacturer believes these added devices actually  work.  Here a simple example,   say the maker of my amp, micromega advises their dealers that for example  Audioquest products work great with our amps then unless the dealer is a moron they are going to tell potental buyers, you know micromega recommends AQ products with their amps and will for sure start carring AQ if they don't already. Nothing I keep reading here makes any sense from a marketing standpoint on thus reluctance of manufacturers recommending products that their suppliers and dealers could also sell IF THEY WORK. Now if they DON'T think they make a difference then I can see the downside of recommending something. Good lord GE not only recommended Finish dishwashing detergent with my new dishwaher they gave me free samples with it.  I guess with the knowledge they were going to alienate loyal Cascade users. 
Either way, the OP is working with a dealer, and should get a free trial , then easy to decide 
djones51, I believe equipment manufacturers have a pretty good idea of there customer base and choose not to jump into that kettle of fish for that reason. When it comes to power cords, interconnects, isolation devices, you name it, we don't agree on anything. 
It’s hard enough competing in today’s high end marketplace. There’s no need to jump in and get involved in the latest audiophile issues like fuses, powercirds, wire directionality, vibration isolation, any of that stuff. Besides most high end manufacturers are pretty convinced their components don’t need any of that crap. They’re fine without it. It’s kind of the same reason many audio stores do not go out of their way to use tweaks in the store systems. It’s because they think people just want to hear the pure sound of the components. Ha ha ha!