Kef R series or Tannoy Revolution Series?

Hello folks!
In my never ending search for the perfect sound, given my limited budget...

Currently I am using a pair of Paradigm Monitors I bought in the late eighties and shockingly they still sound great to me but am in the "upgrade itis" situation, amp is the Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated. 

I am considering 2 speakers, the Kef Q 750 and the Tannoy Revolution XT 6F.
Can anyioe advise, have you heard both? 
I understand that the Kefs are the absolute entree level, but with 2 kids in college, that's the budget boys and girls!

Let me know what you all think please!
I had the prior TANNOY REVOLUTION DC6 standmounts in my “B” system before upgrade.


I heartily recommend them.

— Paired with quality build British source and integrated amp, you won’t be disappointed....WHAT HI-FI 5 Star performer

— one big caution.....their strengths (very revealing) can become warts if they cheapened by being paired instead with a receiver or similar low-fi Electronics

Both of these speakers are great, we are a Kef dealer and we were a Tannoy dealer years ago. 

The new Kef Q series are very impressive in terms of bass response, imaging and they have a nice balance between smoothness and detail.

The Tannoy's are a more exciting speaker with a bit less bass punch, and a slightly more aggressive treble. 

Personally I would look at the old R series which are stil better sounding and dealers are clearing their display stock cheap, we have Kef R 500 for $1,400.00 with full warranty which are $2595 new,

Just something to consider. The R series also has a much nicer  reall wooden cabinet. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I have the XT6Fs and previously had LS50s. The Tannoys are not at all aggressive - they’re less fatiguing than the comparable MA, B&W, Golden Ear Revel, Focal and KEF Q. And if you were to find the treble too hot, the grills tone it down without much detriment to detail. Just last week I did some A/B comparisons with Spendor Classics (what some call "pipe and slipper" speakers) in the same room, with the same amp, and the Tannoys were just as easy a listen for long sessions.

They also have plenty bass punch. If anything, it’s borderline too much with some music. Their dynamics trounce that of most of the competition, with plenty of speed - not surprising given their doped-paper cones.

I’ve heard so many poor sounding floorstanders in this budget range that the XT6Fs are refreshing. They’re not perfect but they have no glaring weaknesses. Their sins (if you can even call them that at this price point) are really only those of omission.

And to address an incorrect claim posted above by the Audio Nurse, No, the KEF R series does not have real-wood cabinets, they have real-wood veneers, just the same as the Tannoys. Neither has as nice a fit and finish as what you’ll find in Monitor Audio, but both sound better.