MAKER NL+ AMP OWNERS Please remove your tops..... HELP!!

Good day all... I have run into a very strange and complicated situation, and I would greatly appreciate your help.... I would like the owners of the MAKER NL+ amp... to take pictures of the internals with the top or side removed... we have the need to see what the internals look like.... after we have received a few pictures, we will be able to come to a decision and state why this is so critical...

Thanking all members in advance for any help....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtutone
Well... I would contact your payment processor / CC / Paypal and make arrangements to return it... Buyers Remorse is one thing, a fully functional amp is another...

PayPal has already authorized a refund, but we need to know how something can go so bad, so different, and so strange... we are still asking questions..
Lets Think #1 is there sufficient circuit power for the amp
#2 something wrong with the laser bias circuit
Something happen in shipping
Speaker / Amp / Preamp mismatch ?

Aka #1 you aren’t using a switched outlet
#2 you have sufficient gain into the amp
#3 are running balanced.... fully balanced
Your previous post great amp crashed and burned implies something else in the signal path  needs to be tested
In a nutshell, I thought I had bought a Maker Audio NL+ with balanced inputs, Duel massive transformers, lazer biased caps, and what I received was an cheap amp Kit with all parts purchased from China... with one small pathetic a very nice box. $300 worth of parts for a $10,000 listed amp..
The whole assembly was dissected by a techie and a member of A.E.S. and the report was sent to Audiogon. Which in turn PayPal authorized a refund..
Maker stated they must have sent me a defective unit..... geez, no kidding!
Yeah thats why i was digging into the reviews including the balanced input panel. Described as 2 box dual transformer