Power cords

Was wondering if anyone had an opportunity to compare the new Audioquest Dragon power cord to Synergistic Research Atmosphere Level 3 or Galileo UEF power cords? I run a full loom of SR Atmosphere Level 3's and while I love what they bring to the soundstage width, height and depth, black background, great air & separation, layering and especially focus, not sure they are the last word in "body & weight". Wondering if someone has tried the AQ Dragons in their system to flush out a bit more body?
Thanks folkfreak,
"The real skill of the Dragon is in this trick of unmasking. You may find at first listen that this feels "thin" but give yourself time to work out what is going on. "
Your above quote I think puts it about where I'm at....not as it pertains to the Dragons, but in my case, getting familiar with the SR "sound".   I'm still internally debating whether they lack body and weight or are just so good at filtering out the hash and fuzz that I perceive something missing. I too have a small room at 10'8" wide by 15'6" long and 10' ceilings heavily treated with GIK's assistance...I'm actually very happy with the sound but as always....looking for any improvements...funny actually your Dragon review that prompted my post:)
Consider the Purist Dominus Diamond which is another top power cord from a great company.
Hi @ptrck887 I just checked out your system, very nice btw. However have you recently tried taking out the Black Box? Move it at least two rooms away, the sound you describe sounds just like my system when I tried out a black box. It cleans up the bass for sure and treats room modes but it imposes it’s own tonal signature well outside the specific bass range. While this may not be noticeable in a large room such as those SR demo in in small rooms like ours it’s a big negative. I’d look for other ways of dealing with any bass issues

Also is the wall behind your listening chair treated? Near in reflections will also thin out the sound
Interesting....I will try that and yes, due to the near field set up I'm using, due to room constraints the rear wall is heavily treated with two GIK Full range Monster bass traps 24 x 48 each plus two Soffit bass traps.  The Monster traps are centered behind my listening position and flanked by GIK Q7d diffusers.  I am also using 12 UEF panels and 20 UEF dots.  My soundstage extends well beyond and behind the speakers and with certain well recorded hi-rez formats and it seems in particular DSD it seems I'm no longer in the front row but actually on the stage with the musicians....some folks might not care for that presentation.....I adore it.
How do the Monster bass traps deal with mid and high frequencies? The problem you may have is reflections in these ranges. The Monster bass trap is actually designed not to over absorb high frequencies but in your case reflecting HF so close to your ears may be a problem. The ASC bass traps I use actually have a mix of reflecting surfaces so you can tune the HF by rotating them.

Anyway why not try tacking a GIK acoustic panel behind your listening seat and see if that improves matters. I also like having HFTs on the rear wall behind my listening seat, plus a set of ART modules as well, these all help focus the rear wall, kind of putting back the life that my ASC diffusers take out but in a controlled manner