Any Benefit to Bi-Amping Bookshelf Speakers?

I recently upgraded an old receiver (pre-HDMI old) to a Marantz SR7012 for an existing 5.1 system in the living room. Mostly just wanted to add functionality and get rid of all the legacy connectors but it sounds quite a bit improved as well. I added a zone 2 on the patio, but that still leaves me with 2 of the 9 amp channels without a home and the improvement so far has me wondering what might be possible. The wife won’t let me tear up the ceiling for Atmos until after we remodel the kitchen so don’t bother with that suggestion :). 

The front R & L speakers are B&W 685s2. Max power handling per the specs is 100W but they are bi-amp capable. Would there be any advantage to bi-amping a smallish bookshelf speaker like this with minimal power handling capability (the receiver already puts out >100W/channel) or would I only be risking blowing them up or messing up the integration with the center and surrounds by doubling down on power? I have the wires run through the walls for aesthetic reasons so I don’t want to bother pulling new wires if there’s not any expected benefit. Use is about 80/20 TV/Music so any benefits to 2-channel experience would be worth noting as well.

I appreciate all your thoughts and info on the B&W 700 series, integrated amps, and the 8012. Sadly, while I’ll inevitably wander down that “plan B” upgrade path eventually, I have a dedicated HT system in the basement and a 2-channel system in the bedroom that I get to make fewer compromises with in exchange for not tinkering too much with this one for the time being. Just because I’m a newbie with bi-amping doesn’t mean I’m totally green.

The living room system has to stay kid, pet, & wife friendly and remain unobtrusive with regards to the decor. Bookshelf speakers with grills pushed back into the built-in bookshelves, a SVS sub tucked away as best as such a beast can be, and in-walls for the rest. It sounds better than most peoples’ living rooms and impresses the friends and neighbors who don’t know what else they’re missing... but it’s never going to really be truly amazing without getting me into trouble.

I often dream of throwing the current timber matching out the window and putting some Devore Gibbon 3XLs, Harbeths, or something else really special into that terrible placement in the bookshelf along with an integrated amp just to see what they could do for the 25% time we use it for music...but then again, it’d be a shame to place those beauties into a box that doesn’t let them breathe. Something a bit closer to the 705s is probably a far more reasonable place to land on the cost/benefit spectrum given the constraints.
It’s not the only, but it’s the first time my number of available amp channels didn’t match up with my number of speakers. Plus it’s the setup we actually use most and the one with the most reason to make concessions for style, practicality, & multi-purpose functionality since it’s the main living space... hard to fight the urge to tinker just a bit though :).  

Really do appreciate all the feedback and love hearing first hand accounts of good gear for down the road. Thanks again!