I have personal experience with the VR-33 speakers. I saw all the ads how a $3750 pair of speakers are as good as speakers costing $15,000 because they are sold direct. I read a couple of professional reviews, one by Greg Weaver and another from an online publication. So, I bought into the hype. I found a used pair for just under 3K here and bought them.
I was so excited and really wanted to LOVE them. I took the day off from work on the day of their arrival. Spent a couple of hours setting them up per Alberts instructions, held my breath and......disappointment. What little bass there was , was quite boomy. I ran them in for an entire month using the Isotek Burn In CD. They sounded no different after a month. I moved them a little this way and that way, replaced my power amp to a 250wpc amp, no change. I took the room drapes down, then replaced them. It was mostly a bass problem and a little bit of squawkiness in the upper midrange.
A year went by and my wife mentioned "you never play your system in the living room any more." I thought about it and she was right, I had been listening to my secondary system because I couldn't bring myself to listen to the living room system. In January 2015, I bought a pair of GE Triton Ones and never looked back. I sold the VR33 speakers for a huge loss. I have now moved the GE Triton Ones to my secondary system and purchased GE Triton Refs for the main system.
Now, the kicker is the guy I sold the VR33 to said the bass was great in his room and he loves them, go figure. So, the moral here is it may or may not work in your situation. Caveat emptor.