Duelund DCA16GA

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone have try this cable? I have never try the original WE cable but I want to buy this cable for my speaker. Other candidate is supra cable.

Can someone give some feedback?

@grannyring and others, have any of you used the  KLEI Harmony Banana plugs for your speaker cables (Duelund or WE)?
I have exclusively used spades in the past but these interest me.  Would be interested in opinions about how they sound and what is the largest gauge wire they will support using.
Yes I have used those connectors when making some cable harnesses for my living voice speakers. The interesting thing is I made the harnesses with bare wire and listened that way for about a month before Using the connectors. I can tell you the differences between bare wire and these connectors!
At first the KLEI banana connectors sounded just a little bit brighter than bare wire.  However this did go away after about 100 to 150 hours of use. I will tell you that I thought the connectors did not add or subtract anything from the bare wire. This is a very good thing in my opinion. And actually this is the first connector I can honestly say is as good as bare wire. Just be aware that it may sound a tad bit brighter first but that will go away with time. 
Thanks Bill, that sounds promising.
I see on their website the bananas can be used with wire as thick as 6 awg.
I burn in cables on my Audiodharma Cable Cooker so hopefully any brightness would be short-lived.
You guys got me playing with speaker cables again this morning.  I had been using my Furutech FP-Alpha cables, which are great but the tinned copper WE and Duelund wire does bring something different to the table.  I have been comparing 1M long runs (from my monoblocks) of the WE10ga wire vs. the Duelund 12ga wire.  Both cables are bi-wired with four connections at the speaker end and two connections (one pos and one neg) at the amp end.  However, the configurations are a bit different with the WE 10ga cables run as two twisted pairs (i.e., 4 wires to each speaker) while the Duelund 12ga cables are two twisted quads that are cross-connected in a star-quad configuration, so 8 wires to each speaker.  The aggregate wire area is close with each terminal seeing 10awg from the WE wire and each terminal seeing 9awg from the Duelund wire.

Both of the tinned copper wire cables are a bit fuller sounding than the Furutech, which is OCC wire at 13 awg, also run bi-wired so 13 awg to each terminal.  I am hard-pressed to describe much difference between the WE and Duelund cables as they both share similar characteristics.  The WE cables may be a bit more midrange-concentric and maybe just a touch more tidy with respect to soundstage but also maybe a bit more resolute in the bass.  The Duelund cables, in the configuration described, is fuller sounding but also extends maybe just a bit more at the top end than the WE cables.  The Duelund has a bit more bloom (on the edge of too much), which also makes the bass a bit "plumper."  I should make a set of the Duelund cables as twisted pairs without doubling up in a quad run to see if they would sound more like the WE wires.  (Bill, maybe we could do a temporary swap of a pair of cables to try them out, with you loaning me a bi-wire set of the Duelund cables you are making and I sending you my quad set of Duelunds to try - interested?)

Regarding connectors, I use Furutech spades at the speaker end but had originally used Furez spades at the amp end to accommodate the larg'ish quad of 12 awg Duelund wire but I was able to change them out for Furutech spades, which I like a little better.

I am still interested in bananas but in addition to the KLEI bananas, I am looking at Furutech's  FP-200B(G) Bananas, which are made from phosphor bronze but have a simple set screw connection, like their FP-201 spades.
It would be smart to simply use one run of the Duelund 12 gauge instead of doubling up.  You should find this improves the sense of air and resolution and backs off a tad on the bloom etc...