Micromega M-100/150 field reports

Got a M-100 or M-150?  Share your setups, tweaks and observations, and help out your homies.

My initial M-100 config and some early observations in this thread.

Things I'm wondering about:

  • hacks & upgrades to LAN infrastructure including h/w, and whether they make an objective difference in reproduction from the M-100/150
  • power cords/supplies, with same question (objective difference?)
  • MARS room correction performance & value
  • whether Micromega will have any relief for the abject instability of their Android control app (circa 2016)
Can't say about the phono stage but my normal listening levels on M100 for cdp digital in or streaming from my server or radio stations  is about 22- 25. 
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"...curious how many different music streaming programs or apps have you listened to on the Micromega or others?
benb: are you curious about observations on music "streaming" performance/features?  That is, the 'transport' feature set that gets source material from point A to point B?   Or something else?
Usery - I was interested in your statement “The hype surrounding the playback performance of some of the pay-for apps is just that: hype.” And whether you have upsampled to DSD or tried various filter settings that are features in the pay-for apps that I believe has a lot of potential.  The “everything sounds the same” crowd, whether it is the resolving power of the system or the hearing, may dismiss, but changing pre-ring settings or some of the other filters in Audirvana result in real changes.  And as I’ve said before, the interface and ability to dig into your music collection in Roon is worth money to me.  Maybe I just come from the time when it was expected to pay for things related to music...

"...worth money to me"
Totally agree with that. Let the spender of the money be the last word on what’s-worth-the-money.

"...upsampled to DSD or tried various filter settings that are features in the pay-for apps that I believe has a lot of potential?"
I haven’t tried any of that, but I’d like to. Have you tried such modded source material on the M-100? How would you describe the output from your speakers, compared to unmodified?

"...interface and ability to dig into your music collection in Roon is worth money..."
Yes that seems to be a Roon value-add that some people find worth the cost of the software.

"...the time when it was expected to pay for things related to music"
I think the institutionalized expectation of ’paying for things related to music’ has in large part created an industry where hype and ’manufacturing consent’ drive music-enjoyers to spend lots of money on products of dubious objective value. Whether there’s sufficient subjective value to the beholder, well, that returns us to let-the-money-spender be the last word.