Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

>>Any field effect, electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, whatever, falls off rapidly, you know, following the *inverse square law*. That’s why, even with a powerful magnet, if you remove the magnet from the steel cover and withdraw it an inch or two there is no more magnetic attraction, pull. You can even feel it stop. At some point the Earth’s magnetic field has more of an effect. Obviously.

Except in an MRI suite. You better empty your pockets and body of ferrous-metal objects, or they will become missiles.

>>>>The Inverse Square Law is universal and applies even in an MRI. Would mats make MRIs more effective? You decide.

So are you disputing Mrs. Mrock's assertion that the E-Mat has a very wide range (a giant field) of horizontal effect?

>>>>>>I’m still thinking about the question. 
>>>>I’m sure we’re all very excited and sitting on pins and needles.😛

And so you should be indeed!
It could be some kind of quantum thing, and that involves spooky action at a distance.
God doesn’t play dice. - Einstein

Besides, if it was some kind of spooky action at a distance thingamabob how come my system isn’t much better, too? I’m at a distance. Furthermore, I have the copyright on spooky action at a distance tweaks.