All Quiet on the Oppo front?

Many Oppo fans were talking about getting their pre-ordered UDP-205's a month ago, but no new posts as to current status. I haven't heard a word. I kinda thought there would be a July release, but apparently not.

Anybody receive any news from Oppo in the past month? 
*                                           *
*****Starving Audiophile*****
***Will Work For UDP-205***
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Just got my email. Paid up. It’s on its way! Yahoo! Will pick up a big-about 80” (I’m only 15 ft from screen) good 4K screen around Dec/Jan. Love good movies. Very interested to hear the CD,SACD,DVD Audio Sound as well. Hoping it lives up to hype but very satisfied getting such a useful unit regardless. Feeling lucky :) Good luck to others waiting)(
What day did you receive an invite to purchase?  I thought they were done sending invites by this time.

And yea, you picked up on it. 125 & 250 Pursangs were the dominant force when I was growing up until the Japanese took over. 
Oppo will post a notice on their website when their stock is out. 

“This page will be updated when we have sold out of the OPPO UDP-205.“