Want to try separates, what to expect.

Ok, I have always had an integrated amp or A/V receiver (briefly) as my main source for amplification. I started with a Lafayette tube amp that was my Granddad's. I have had a few different SS units from the late 70"s and the late 80's. I now an using a very nice Modwright KWI 200. I have this strong urge to try some modestly priced separates. Is this a move that will bring obvious sonic improvement or just subtle improvement. Just thought I would ask for opinions before I jump off that cliff. I'll likely still try it, you know how it goes in this hobby. Thanks, Allen (Mizike)
We don't know about your speakers, your room, your sound and music preferences.
I'll just mention brands that I would consider to begin with if I wanted to make the same move. Solid state - some Rowland, some Pass, all Gryphon. Tube - Atma-Sphere, VAC, Allnic, maybe Octave. Lamm - tube preamp and hybrid amp. Ypsilon is definitely beyond your reach.
Best solid state value - Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated, about $16k new, I think, without phono or dac. There is 120 watt/ch Gryphon integrated for about $9k new, this I am not so sure.
Listen to me carefully!  Get a LTA micro zotl pre amp and a Pass amp of your choice (power needs). And you are done and start listening to music! 😊

I auditioned the Diablo 300 it sounds like  good solid state only. Not lifelike! 

Well, nothing is quite lifelike, but I think you are in a minority when it comes to Gryphon, Diablo 300 is a hell of a piece and is worth every cent. But tubes are tubes. However, I know that even most hard core tubeheads appreciate what Gryphons can do.
There are also of course a few Swiss integrateds worth considering, and I think couple of Italian, don't remember the names. Some say German T+A integrated is great too, very possibly, don't know.
$12k used is both a lot and not enough, I would have problems within this range. Cables and cords are not exactly free either.