Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...

At the $200/pair price point new or used, how does GH ZX+ cables compare to others like Greg Straley Reality cables, Gabriel gold (GG) revelation/raptures and alike...

I am looking for a cable that is neutral, and does not act as a filter in any way to highlight a certain portion of the music. From top to bottom it must allow the source material to come through..
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This response is nine months late for poster aberyclark. You ask about differences in sound between the EX series and the Empress. Not exactly what you want but a detailed review of the Zx+ and the first iteration of the Empress is available on the Steve Hoffman Forum. Search for "Grover at it again! GROVER ULTIMATE REFERENCE cables are ready..." See pages 36 to 42 for an exhaustive evaluation.

Since that review, as noted above by poster fleschler, some thoughts on the latest Empress were added to that thread. The lower capacitance, I personally can attest had a significant impact on my system. It is all that poster fleschler said. I have yet to upgrade the other older Empress ICs in my system due to cost. One day.