Best used integrated for under $5000

I am in the process of building a new dedicated stereo system and looking for both speakers and an integrated. For speakers as of right now I am leannng towards either used Rockport Atria (if I can find one) or Focal Sopra 2 (if no Atria comes around in 6 months). 

I am am moving to NY in 6 weeks and therefore don’t really know what the room dimensions will be. 

Sound I like :

1. A tad bit warm while still having a lot of punch (nothing muddled about it)
2. Vocals (Diana Krall, John Mayer etc) have a level of cleanliness to it
3. Guitar (Gipsy kings, Jesse cook) sound airy without being lean
4. It may be related to my first point above; forgiving of average source (eg high quality Spotify streaming, which isn’t that high quality after all )

Most of my source will be Tidal and strong preference for integrated amps with a built in DAC. Even better if the unit has a streamer as well. Otherwise I am planning to use Google chrome cast (is that a bad idea). 

As of right now my list has Hegel h360, Lyngdorf and Moonaudio 340i. 

I am planning to buy used. That means new prices probably could be as high as $10000. 

It would be great to get some recommendations. 
@mountainsong Can you elaborate why you preferred the Gamut integrated over the Luxman 509x?
I just love on these threads where we get anyone and everyone under the sun saying "XXX is the Best!!" without really describing why or what they are actually experiencing.
I used to have tubed separates but everything went into storage when I moved overseas.  Came back in 2013 and sold the tubed gear and got a Hegel H200.  The sound was very good and the unit was reliable.  After a year I got over the lack of tube sound and enjoyed the music.  I would recommend against a built in DAC as that area continues to improve.  Earlier this year I bought a BAT VK3000SE demo.  The sound is a substantial improvement over the Hegel.  Bass was fuller, mids had better timbre and highs were cleaner.  I have not heard the Hegel H360 and I am sure it performs better than the H200 but I would give the BAT a listen.  My sources are lps and digital rips with Sonus Faber Cremona floorstanders, original version.