A song murdered by someone.

Is there a cover version of a song you like by the original artist that has been in your ears truly murdered by a covering artist?
Mine is 'Everybody Knows' by Leonard Cohen, absolutely murdered by Barb Jungr.

Anything that has been ripped off by some sleazy rapper deserves to be avenged. 
Yeah, William shatner is just as despicable as any sleaze-bag rapper that’s ripped off a real
musician. Tom Waits comes in as a close second, then Michael Bolton. Uggghhh! I wanna barf now!
I've had to drop a couple of dramamines reading this thread. The room keeps spinning though...
It’s hard to listen to any group trying to rework a Beatles standard. I don’t want to be cruel, but some are really pathetic. You can hear them regularly on the Beatles channel on XM Radio.