Upgrade from Pass Labs XA30.8 to X250.8. Worth it?

I am getting ready to make some upgrades to the system. I currently running a DAC into a BAT51SE, then a Pass Labs XA30.8, then finally into Decware DM947 speakers (don't worry if you've never heard of them; not the last word in speakers, but have been doing a solid job for about 5 years now.)

I am contemplating moving up the Pass Labs amplifier line, and the X250.8 looks attractive. I would like to hear more bass authority and definition, but I don't really want to sacrifice the mids and highs of the 30.8. 

I would love to hear some of your impressions of the X250.8, especially if you are able to make some direct comparisons to the XA30.8. I've spoken with both Mark at Reno Hifi, and Kent English of Pass Labs; both are wonderful and informative people. What I am interested in now is the opinions and experiences of end users of either of these amps. 


kosst, honestly, I really don't trust anything you say anymore.  Now if almarg came in and corrected me, I would believe him.

I do know that Class A amps have a much larger constant A/C draw.  In Class AB an amp might have an idle current of 63 watts, but if biased to something like 30 Watts Class A, the constant "idle" A/C draw may go up to something like 160-170 watts.

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You should consider the X350.8. It is in a whole new league compared to the X250.8. It has all of the tonal qualities of a class A amp but with
detail and pure strength when needed. It is probably their best amp for the money.
@browndt that amp is also intriguing. There’s one listed on Audiogon right now. Do you have personal experience with those two amps X350.8 and X250.8? 

I prefer the X250.8 to the X350.8 and the XA30.8 .  you really just must listen, all are excellent but different