Help me pick from my sub-$1200 shortlist

Alright. Here's the shortlist. Let's get your opinions:

  • KEF LS50
  • Sonus Faber Venere
  • Monitor Audio SIlver 100's (haven't tested yet)

And yes I know some of these retail over $1200, but for those I'm going to look for used or be patient for sales

I tested the SF's and the KEF's the other day. When at the store, I liked the KEF's better; I felt like there were more punchy mids, more contrasting dynamics. But having since listened I've been thinking more about the SF's and feeling like maybe I actually long term enjoyed their more subdued tone more, factoring in the fact that I would be able to play with them/my setup in my own apartment more. There was an incredible clarity with them nonetheless that I really loved.

I'm mostly doing vinyl and digital music, less classical/jazz, more rock, country, metal, experimental, but also quieter stuff too. Running out of a Cambridge Audio Azur 551R.

Other speakers I've had on the longer list, but might not be able to check out are the Revel Concerta2 M16, PSB Imagine B, and Paradigm Signature S2; so if you feel strongly on those please let me know

In that case I would look at (listen to) a pair of B&W PM1’s. With stands... great clear sound.

Out of your above short lists I would highly recommend the KEF LS50. These are outstanding performance at very affordable price. You can't beat the LS50 especially for their asking price. You can't even get better than that for twice or three times the price IMO. But these KEF LS50 require good quality competent amplification current from an amplifier in order to get optimal performance out of these speakers, and I wouldn't run these off an AV receiver. They need good quality power in order to do these speakers justice.