Insider or Outsider? To be or not to be,...?

Thoughts and feedback on the New Insider Lobby?
lookin like net neutrality on a micro scale and a dash of social stratification with whiffs of gentrification. It’s obvious who they really want around. And that’s fine they gotta make money. I’ll find other forums not worried. Will be interesting. I personally like all the craziness and cable naysayers, etc. it’d be pretty homogenous and boring otherwise. 
They mostly want Asians reading posts and buying up most of the stuff. That's our worth here. Have a nice day if you can.
Post removed 
So what’s next?

A forum in which you can only participate by invitation?

A forum with minimum system requirements to participate?

As I have thought about this "Insider" thing, I keep wandering if I would be that interested in comments from someone that was paying to keep them private.