Switched from RCA to XLR Interconnects - WOW

I just received a set of Pangea True Balanced Premier SE XLR interconnects from Audio Advisor and connected them between my phono preamp to my amp.
I really didn't expect to hear any major difference, but man was I wrong.  The sound quality is night and day improved over my previous cables (Clear Day Cables RCA cables).  The improvement in bass response is amazing, and the soundstage got about 2 feet wider and deeper.  Mids and highs are also more clearly defined, and the backgrounds are about as black as I have ever heard.   What also surprised me is how much hotter the signal is into the amp.  I had to turn the volume down quite a bit to equal levels I usually listed to with the previous cables.
FYI, the preamp is a Parasound JC3+ and the amp is a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400.  
I'm really impressed.  I had always wanted to try using balanced cables but this is the first amp I have owned that had balanced inputs.  
Audioman58 said... 
Switching from RCA to XLR  is only worththe extra time and money  is if, you have a True differential balanced from input to output for each channel . Which is easy to tell ,you will see 4 transformers .

I do not believe that to be always the case with transformers.  Some balanced circuits can use IC chips to keep all things in order.  Yes, there are units with XLR inputs that are no better than single ended because they are not 'true' balanced.
What was stating on pin 1 and how ground is implemented is true,But
by having a True balanced like in most professional recording studios for example 
which my uncle works and he is a master electronics technician. He has assisted be ,as well as a Radu Tarta an expertin building Vacuum Tube Audio.
they use Jensen transformers  for the input,and outputs, this way this circuit
has guaranteed matched impedance,as well as the transformers act in filtering 
Therefore this method is Absolute in being by far the best and only true 
balanced method ,and noticable more expensive between theadded 4 transformers andextra wiring ,itall comes down to $$ .thisis why most companies 
donot. These guys have over 40 years in the field and said that is the Onlyway they would build a balanced circuit for it by far the Best  way. Nothing more to be 
said it is the only way if true balanced ,to achieve the XLRs true potential.
... having a True balanced like in most professional recording studios ... they use Jensen transformers  for the input,and outputs, this way this circuit
has guaranteed matched impedance,as well as the transformers act in filtering Therefore this method is Absolute in being by far the best and only true
balanced method ...
That's quite debatable. Arguably, the best method approach to balanced connections is to use them between true balanced, differential circuits. I think it's also dubious as to whether it's a good idea to use transformers in an audio circuit to provide "filtering."

I use balanced connections in many Pro Audio applications to great effect.  In my home systems, I found balanced connections (when available) improved the sound in certain situations where the cable placement was compromised.  I am currently using RCA connections (by choice) between components in one of my systems.  The components are logically arranged and the cable runs are short and direct.  It is my opinion (and the opinion of my amp designer and my speaker designer) that balanced connections can be a good solution for less than optimal wiring conditions, but the improvement in performance will be not worth the additional cost in systems that are optimally organized with short runs and little chance of picking up any external noise.
@almarg - spot on, as usual.

Changing to balanced cables can have ZERO or HUGE effect depending on electronics and system configuration. Given the OPs rapture, it’s quite possible his unbal setup was incorrect or a piece of gear has a poor unbal implementation.

Will every on please read The G Word, or How to Get Your Audio off the Ground by Bruno Putzeys before prattling on. https://www.hypex.nl/img/upload/doc/an_wp/WP_The_G_word.pdf

In a properly designed and configured system, balanced is simply a different set of colorations.