Opinions on best integrated under 10k?

Father Christmas has been early and left me a very sizable bonus check!
So time to spend it before the other half can....

Looking at building another system but thinking of just a very high power integrated amp.
Wish list...
200w or more.
Balanced inputs
Digital inputs
Phono inputs

A quick look shows items like McIntosh ma7900 and Mark levinson ml585 which both seem to fulfill all or the majority of my wants.
Sure there are others.
So thoughts and any current or previous owners of suitable candidates please chime in
Thank you in advance
Kevin, thought you were still in the hunt. : )

Good to know you are sticking with the Ayre. 
It's easy to find out if Gryphon would convert to 120 V. Good step up transformer, not $50 Chinese, should be alright with Gryphon, I suspect. Overseas transactions would worry me more than this.
A Diablo 300 is on the Agon right now, located in Singapore, a 220v version and priced where I would expect at 12.5 k not in the 7 to 8k range.
Course if it ever sells at that price in todays market is entirely another matter indeed!
Plus a decent step up transformer is required.
uberwaltz, sounds like you are done for now but when, or if you get the upgrade bug again be sure to check out the new Ayre EX-8. It has a great built-in DAC and headphone amp and seems to meet most of your initial criteria. I too own the AX-7e along with an Ayre Codex DAC and the EX-8 sounds much better in my system. The AX-7e is no slouch and in combination with the Codex sounds really good. YMMV of course but in my system it is a dramatic improvement. Good Luck!
Some crazy Japanese audiophiles use two transformers to change voltage up and down and claim it sounds better. Acupwr.com transformers look good to me. No, he probably won't sell it to the US for $12.5k, $10k maybe.