Bordering on criminal, I know…

Greetings and salutations!  I recently purchased a pair of new MartinLogan 11As.  Unfortunately, all I have to drive them is a Pioneer SC-57 home theater receiver.  While I’m saving my ducats for a Pass Labs 350.8 amplifier, I am left wondering if I may be better served by bridging a couple of unused channels to power these new speakers.  Your thoughts are most appreciated!     

Belles Aria and Soloist 1 Integrateds, have not heard their separates but supposedly excellent
BAT VK3000SE Integrated at higher price, under $4000 used,  but still way lower than X350.8 plus preamp.  Not saying any of these are as good as the Pass, but way better than the Pioneer
Thanks jl35!  I appreciate your advice!!  Will most definitely check these recommendations out! 

Belles: a price point for every pocket

Aria integrated

Aria preamp + sterep

Aria preamp + monoblocks

Thanks twoleftears!  I will most certainly consider the Arias.  I'm a sucker for monoblocks - heard a pair of Mark Levinson No.33s years back and I remain impressed to this day.  Thanks again!