In search for speakers of "natural" sound

I am using a pair of Harbeth speakers. However, I am not satisfied with the 'naturalness' of the sound (it could be that I am so demanding). I am looking for a pair of speakers that can produce the more natural and organic sound than Harbeth if there is any.

I know that it depends on the amp, cables, and other variables. However, let's assume that with the appropriate gears, which speakers do you think can produce the "most natural sound"? By "natural", I mean the sound that we hear directly from musical instruments, from the singer without going through any amplification.

There is a user mentioning that speakers from the past used that 'natural sound' as a reference when designed speakers. In contrast, the sound today (even the hi-end one) is to "hi-fi". He guessed it could be less people have chance to listen to live / acoustic music than before.  

Is it right?

Thank you for your experience and recommendation!

P.S: I know that my questions are silly and dumb, please bear with me.

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This question is perfect. It addresses an important issue. Here we are in 2018. Sixty years after the first quads came out and we have hundreds of speakers available.....for the prices they are asking shouldn't they all have a natural sound......don't these reviewers car about natural sound when they listen to speakers. 

What is wrong with the speaker industry. Why would they even make a speaker that did't have a natural sound...
I have Analysis Audio Epsilon that replaced Quad ESL. They are very natural and no box sounding.
My setupVoxativ Ampeggio Signature with Wyetech labs Ruby 300B amp/preamp/phono
You don't mention which Harbeth's you have but my Harbeth 40.1's are about as natural and neutral as any on the market....and I have been using Quad 57's for over 30 years(retired after getting the Harbeths). What these speakers need are a rather large room and plenty of power(i'm using Classe CAM 200's). For true realism, one needs to sit at the approximate apex point of an isocoles speakers are about 8 feet apart, 4 feet from the back wall, and sitting position is about 10 feet away. Also Harbeths need to be elevated off the ground so that the tweeter portion is about at ear level.....put on some good vinyl and revel in the lushness and natural timber of a string quartet, symphony orchestra, or whatever else you might enjoy.....