Oppo 981 vs 983 Which Has Better Picture Quality?

The Oppo 981 has DCDi by Faroudja video processing technology with progressive scan, film mode detection, TrueLife™ enhancement and motion adaptive noise reduction. Video is analyzed on a single pixel granularity to detect presence or absence of angled lines and edges, which are then processed to produce a smooth natural looking image without visible artifacts (jaggies). The result is a breath-taking picture with vivid color, fine details, and life-like picture quality.

The Oppo 983 has an advanced video processing featuring "VRS™ by Anchor Bay" technologies. With the DV-983H, OPPO has incorporated Anchor Bay's latest VRS (Video Reference Series) technology. The VRS technology suite includes AutoCUE-C™, Progressive Cadence Detection™, Precision De-interlacing™ and Precision Video Scaling™. The VRS video processor also handles frame rate conversion, aspect ratio control and video zooming. These technologies combine to generate a clearer, smoother, and true-to-life picture free of artifacts.

Which unit has a better picture quality?
I was correct, RE: Component outputs - from the Oppo site:

Component video output with progressive scan (Up-converting over component output is only available for unencrypted DVD discs such as home video and consumer-created contents. Most commercially pressed DVD discs are CSS-encrypted and will be limited to 480i/480p output over component. HDMI output is protected with HDCP and has no such restriction.)

I don't know if this is true of all upsampling DVD players (anyone?). If you are limited to 480i/p I don't imagine you'll see the kind of improvement I've experienced via the HDMI output.
Thanks for the information on up-conversion via component outputs. Unfortunately I have no other choice since my projector and AV processor/amps are all obsolete with component and DVI only, and I don't think I'll change both the projector and amps anytime too soon since they are bought new 3 years back. Gosh these things get obsolete quicker than I thought!

I just hope the upcoming Oppo blu-ray player would be able to up-convert via its component outputs.....tough chance but all I can do is hope.
Unfortunately I have no other choice since my projector and AV processor/amps are all obsolete with component and DVI only, and I don't think I'll change both the projector and amps anytime too soon since they are bought new 3 years back.

You should be able to use an HDMI>DVI cable, like this one, and you may be able to get the upconversion that way - check that your DVI input on your projector is capable of HiDef.
I am using a Oppo 980. I run a HDMI 1.3a cable from the Oppo to the receiver, then a HDMI>DVI cable from receiver to my Mits CRT RPTV. The TV has to have a HDCP(copy protected) DVI input, in order to get the 1080i signal.
the Oppo 983 is better in every respect than the 980 it uses the Anchor bay video chip set also the audio is a higher grade set up ,and scored a 10 in 2 seperate magazines ,Oppo Now has the New Blue ray machine out for under $600.