Greetings audiophile fans,
I am in a challenging dilemma with SPEAKER selection and need a advice.. Budget 4K and less!!
Currently my setup consists ps audio pair mono amps, Jew Rowland pre and Oracle Delphi turntable..
I am mostly listening records (Jazz, folk....) I honestly prefer not to use sub due to space but prefer ful size tower SPEAKERS with enough bass to satisfy my need.. “IT’S ALL ABOUT THAT BASS” 
Soooo what have you heard and recommend for me??
Thanks and happy listening....


@yogiboy wrote: "Many people that use a sub run the speakers full range without the high pass option!"

I'm one of those people.

I remember trying to find a sufficiently transparent highpass filter for my tweaked-out Quad 63’s, which sat atop matching Gradient dipole subs. In the end the best results (to my ears) came from running the 63’s full-range and accepting that the max SPL was limited.

Now that I manufacture a subwoofer system, I’m aware that the parts cost in the highpass filter section of my subwoofer amp is not very high. I wouldn’t want it in my main speakers’ signal path if I could help it.

So when I design a speaker specifically to be used with subs, I make sure it has enough thermal & mechanical power handling and enough efficiency that the user has the option of foregoing a protective highpass filter with very little likelihood of significantly compromising headroom.


Hey Duke, appreciate the replays all, :)
I have a small size room and no I do not want horns!! I am not a huge rock or pop genre listener... all I need is “ENOUGH BASS” I know the word enough can be different for everyone... basically just need a pair where I can hear the low frequency sounds better! Having subs not an option for me at this point... I will challenge my request to find a pair that will deliver WHOLE aspect.. 
Well for MY modest system I put away a pair of K.E.F. LS50 with two older passive subs filtered at 80 Hz by my receiver and powered by a secondary amp, replaced them with a pair of SVS Ultra Tower speakers that I snagged "almost new" for $1k and have been very happy with them at this stage of my system building. 
Another option that comes in well below your budget would be a set of the Canton Vento 890.2 from accessories for less.  I'm seriously considering a set myself.