Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

Sure they do.  I PERSONALLY have spoken to the electrons and they MUCH PREFER cables that have been broken in so they can travel in smoother lines.

Once again you have avoiding providing DATA/Documentation on your claims that wire is direction OR that it requires/benefits from break-in.  You make unrelated statements like below, claim you won the Nobel Prize (see quote below) but NEVER provide us with any DATA!  Please share with us the measurable, repeatable data the proves wire is directional AND that wire break-in is real!

“If I could explain it to the average person they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.”

>>>>I guess you would have to know that everything that’s in the electromagnetic spectrum, including visible light, which is actually an extremely small portion, is comprised of photons. It’s pretty obvious visible light cannot travel through most solid materials except transparent ones like water, polycarbonate, glass and clear plastic. The electrical signal and the audio signal, are also in the electromagnetic spectrum, but can travel through copper or silver. I bet you thought the signal was electrons, right?
The quote is not mine, it’s Feynman’s. That’s why it’s in uh, quotes. Why would I say I won the Nobel prize? Obviously you have difficulty following technical arguments. These demands for proof of yours serve no purpose, especially given your inability to follow relatively simple technical arguments. This conversation can serve no purpose any more. ta, ta
Has anyone considered the possibility that a person gets accustomed to the sound of a new component or new cables after listening for 200 hours, then decides that they like it? That IS human nature after all.(sorry if this has already been said - I don't have time to read ALL the posts but the first 20-30 were unanimous in favor of the burn-in effect.)

Many of us are engineers on this forum, you make statements of FACT but provide NO proof.  As rldwv wrote:

All us doubters are saying is "prove it". I don’t know how else you can prove it without a measurement. Most engineers embrace the addage "In God We Trust, all others bring data".

In typical geoffkait fashion you give up when it comes to proving what your claims.  You provide NO technical arguments you just make undocumented/proven claims and give up when challenged for proof of your pseudoscience.