Reference 3A MM De Capo vs Legacy Calibre

I am starting the process of putting together a new system. An important design goal is the speakers will be stand mounts. I have heard the De Capo's but not the Calibre's. I am most interested in others opinions on monitor/stand mounted speakers. I am attending RMAF in two weeks and hope to check out ideas while there.

My budget could go as high as 12K for the Reference 3a Reflector.Yet, the less expensive monitors may be good enough.

Please share your ideas and impressions.

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Given what you're looking for I'd highly recommend ATC SCM50 active speakers.  You'll get the speakers and amps customized to drive the speakers all in one package, and that ATC dome midrange has dynamics and transparency I've not heard bettered by anything anywhere.  Best of luck. 
@changeout  Will the Reference 3a Reflector will be on demo at RMAF? If you do get a chance to listen to them, please post your impressions. Thanks!
Soix, thank you for calling out the ATC speakers. They exhibiting at RMAF and I will be sure to visit their room.

daivd_ten, sadly Reference 3a will not be at the show. 
+1 ATC - their new tweeter integrates so well. Very natural sound. Not the last word in extension but the bass you do get provides superb detail and is of a higher quality then speakers tuned only to impress with an ultra deep bass
@changeout  Thanks. If you get a chance to audition the Reflector, do share.