Unsuspended tables are, in general, not my favorite. (this only balances out at the extreme end of the pool, for me)
This is due to precious few people on the planet knowing how to get rid of mechanical noise effectively in a given audio reproduction device like that of a turntable.
Generally they are just noise control frequency range trade offs that are the result of the given effort. the same can be said of suspended tables, but....the mechanics of noise control are not as simple as they look, when it comes to the human ear and audio.
the numbers and formulas are fairly well worked out but what the ear thinks of all that is not the paperwork and not the formulas. To add to the difficulty, the hearing packages are individually wired and programmed.
I believe unsuspended tables are a market drive tied to simplicity and ease of use over complexity and maintenance - for the end buyer. Modern times as applied to the world of analog turntables, it is....
One might say that unsuspended turntable sophistication has finally reached an acceptable enough level that it can now be put forth as a high quality item across a swath of price ranges, whereas 40 years ago, it was not as evolved--there being precious few at that time...