I'm still mystified...

...why a seller can specify to be paid by paypal, then expect the buyer to pay the fee. I have yet to hear an argument that makes sense. I, for one, won't buy from anyone that does it.

Your view is correct. The difference between two approaches is that geoffkait stays in realm of non-sensical bickering on both sides. I apologize for that. At the same time, not allowing calls for deaths and suggestions of other party’s suicide is not entirely invaluable, I think.

Regardless of that, people have different approaches when buying things. Some negotiate and feel great that they managed to get the price down. Some just want quick and simple transaction with nothing else involved and care a little less about a few extra dollars they may lose in the process. No back and forth offers and counter-offers, adding fees on the advertised price, etc. It is just how some of us are. We all like some game and this one with PayPal fees is not the one for me. I am glad to see that I am not the only one but do not think that those who do not mind PayPal fees clause are wrong at all.
totally agree grannyring. I had assumed, maybe wrongly, that the outrage was for sellers who did not offer payment options other than paypal, but had the 3% fee as a mandatory add on...
I once paid for a power cord, and received an email that it would not be shipped until I sent the additional $2.65 paypal fee that I had forgotten to include...
I never let it bother me, I just go with the flow of the other person's situation. no point. Life has enough other hassles that are far more important and/or difficult to negotiate. No need to add to the pile. :)