What is an ideal humidity for tube amps pre amps and speakers?  All around equipment?

Forty five to sixty percent has worked well for me for over thirty five years. Lower end during summer months and closer to sixty during the winter. No worries!
 Hope you don't live in a cold winter climate to keep 60% humidity your windows will have ice on the inside. If you run a whole house humidifier beyween 35 and 45% and you will need to dial that down in very cold weather to around 25% maybe lower in sub zero weather. 
Hope you don't live in a cold winter climate to keep 60% humidity your windows will have ice on the inside.
You need new windows, or perhaps need to replace the glass in your existing windows.
Thanks to all. I'm in Fl so with the a/c it's usually 38 to 46% sometimes lower in the winter.
They are new triple pane windows in an energy efficeint house it has nothing to do with the windows it has to do with to much humidity in a house  in very cold winter climates. Actually the tighter the house the worse the problem running whole house humidifiers. That's why whole house humidifiers with automatic humidistats adjust the humidity down as the temperature drops.