What is an ideal humidity for tube amps pre amps and speakers?  All around equipment?

They are new triple pane windows in an energy efficeint house it has nothing to do with the windows it has to do with to much humidity in a house  in very cold winter climates. Actually the tighter the house the worse the problem running whole house humidifiers. That's why whole house humidifiers with automatic humidistats adjust the humidity down as the temperature drops. 
They are new triple pane windows in an energy efficeint house it has nothing to do with the windows it has to do with to much humidity in a house in very cold winter climates ...
If your windows accumulate moisture on the inside during the winter, there is something wrong with the windows, or the glass within them, or the way the windows were installed.  It doesn't matter if they are quintuple-pane, or built yesterday. Don't take my word for it, even though I've lived in cold climes all my life.  Check the window warranty. Consult with an expert.
I did consult with an expert that’s why I know it was the whole house humidifier keeping the house to humid the expert switched the hunidistat from manual to automatic and it was a miracle no more ice on the windows.