Reference 3A MM De Capo vs Legacy Calibre

I am starting the process of putting together a new system. An important design goal is the speakers will be stand mounts. I have heard the De Capo's but not the Calibre's. I am most interested in others opinions on monitor/stand mounted speakers. I am attending RMAF in two weeks and hope to check out ideas while there.

My budget could go as high as 12K for the Reference 3a Reflector.Yet, the less expensive monitors may be good enough.

Please share your ideas and impressions.

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Hi Steakster,

I appreciate the "good luck" shout out. I know the bass is a challenge. The TAD is another line I had not thought about as a possible selection. I wish they were attending the RMAF.

The ideas are real helpful.

As someone who has reviewed several Legacy speakers, I would not be surprised at all if the Calibre won this dog fight. Very few stand mount speakers will play as big. Do not overlook 38Hz +/-2, which is impressive for a small speaker. I recall hearing it at this past AXPONA, and it was in an enormous room, but was able to present itself like a small tower, not a bookshelf. 

In all honesty, these queries always leave me wondering how the person asking could possibly make a good decision.

The two speakers come from radically differing design perspectives, and as such, will reflect that, sonically. It’s not a question of one being a little better suited to the customer than the other. Most often, one will come as very wrong to the buyer. And it’s not as if the other will necessarily prove right, it also might be wrong.  Make or break criteria as heard by the individual themselves such as timbre and dynamics cannot be conveyed through reviews or discussions. More than anything else, my advice is to perform a thorough audition, and even buy with a money back arrangement to properly assess.  It's good that you heard a pair of Reference 3A, as the DNA will normally come across the product line.  Whether they made you happy or not should play a big role in where you go next
i always liked the 3a sound...

a bit off topic..i looked at website and tge high resolution photo of the carbon fiber midrange looks pretty that me ?.... or ???