Step Down Transformers?!

Hello Audiogon!

I've done it...I've gone plumb CRAZY...We just purchased a new home and I've already ran two dedicated 20 amp circuits and a 30 amp two pole ready for a step down transformer.  I've curious what everyone is using in this position in their system?  I was looking at the Richard Gray Substation, but am open to other options!

Suggestions and ideas are appreciated!

Thank you!
Are you sure you need a step down transformer? Perhaps you are confusing that with an isolation transformer? And what exactly do you mean by a "30A two pole" line? That’s uncommon for household use, at least in the US, and shouldn’t be connected to a conventional 15A or 20A receptacle.
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What are you building a theater? I assume the 30 amp is for the Richard Gray Powerhouse which needs a NEMA 6-30r basically a clothes dryer plug. I can’t understand what the other two 20 amps are for that Richard Gray powerhouse could almost run a house with 10 120v and 4 240 v outlets.