Thanks Boxer12. I hadn't considered Corian.
Best building material for vibration free shelving
I have 2 maple platforms that need refinishing, I used one for my Scout and the other for my Prime. The larger is 22 by 18 by 3 inches thick of air dried maple. The smaller one is 18 by 15 by 2 inches thick of air dried maple. I painted them black but they look crummy. Need to be sanded and repainted. If someone wants to drive up to me, they can have them. I will NOT ship them. Send me a PM |
@skyscraper - I use... for amp and turntable - 3/4" MDF shelf - 1/2" 18" x 14" granite tile (cut to tat size) - with tool drawer liner in between them Tool drawere liner like this product I buy it from the dollar store - very cheap :-) For smaller components (phono and Bluesound Node 2) I use 3/8" MDF and 3/8" granite tile with the same drawer liner between them Each shelf has sorbothane between the shlf and the Rack;’s metal frame My TT plinth is also made from 3 sheets of 3/4" MDF glued and clamped. It is very dense and does not vibrate - I would have to believe 2 sheets glued would make a very good shelf. Each component is currently supported by 3 wooden feet like this... The Amp and TT has the large feet, the phono stage has the medium feet and the Node 2 has the small feet The wooden feet made a noticeble improvement in the size and precision iof the mage. I have heard good things about Mapleshade product and their web site may contain some useful info for a DIY person Hope that helps - Steve |