Duleland break in time

Hi I did a double biwire configuration using Duleland 12 guage tinned copper wire. I imideatly disliked the sound as compared to my Nordost Heimdall. So my question is do they need more"burn in" time or should I chalk it to experience?
I tried Duelund interconnects. At first they were...well...underwhelming to me. I decided to let them break in for about a month just to be sure. At first it was a little discouraging because the character didn't change at all for the first 2 weeks. A closed-in sound. Not much air or detail throughout the spectrum...actually a sort of warmish, slightly colored or 'honeyed' sound - like a "vintage" sound, but in the worst way here. 

But like I say, this sound signature in my setup anyway, wouldn't budge off of dead center for at least 2 weeks. On day 15 or 16, I began to to notice what I **thought** might be the beginning of a change, but wasn't yet convinced. Over the next 3 days though, things started to improve dramatically. By day 21 they had fully come out of their shell and they have proven to me their merit in spades. They, in my setup, are neutral, transparent, detailed with great imaging and soundstage. They are keepers for me. Might be tough for me to find anything else this good for near the price. 

Good luck!
+1 Garnnyring!
I really like my  Dulelund 12 and 16 gauge tinned copper wire speaker cables, twisted and following Grannyring's recipe. Break-in is required.
Well I have several ads here on the Gon under my username.  I can custom make any cable for folks.  No site as yet as I am pretty busy with Agon orders right now. I also make jumpers, a great USB cable, shielded and non-shielded ICs as well as power and speaker cables.