Step Down Transformers?!

Hello Audiogon!

I've done it...I've gone plumb CRAZY...We just purchased a new home and I've already ran two dedicated 20 amp circuits and a 30 amp two pole ready for a step down transformer.  I've curious what everyone is using in this position in their system?  I was looking at the Richard Gray Substation, but am open to other options!

Suggestions and ideas are appreciated!

Thank you!
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What are you building a theater? I assume the 30 amp is for the Richard Gray Powerhouse which needs a NEMA 6-30r basically a clothes dryer plug. I can’t understand what the other two 20 amps are for that Richard Gray powerhouse could almost run a house with 10 120v and 4 240 v outlets.
step down from 220 to balanced 120VAC, is the way to go...

the big deal is to use the transformer’s linear range of loading from top to bottom, for your dynamic aspects of draw.

Way over spec transformers always sound best for audio, due to the non linear and widely dynamic ranges of draw.

Many many thousands of micro and macro transients all have to be in perfect agreement with their original patterns, shapes and placment, compared to one another and as a group, in any given moment and across time --- otherwise the ear hears it.
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Yes, yes, and yes!

I am indeed building a theater...I pulled the other two dedicated 20 amp circuits for subwoofers (stereo subs, each on their own).  My idea was/is to use the stepdown/isolation transformer for processing and main amplifiers.

I was and am thinking the Richard Gray Powerhouse, but interested in other ideas depending on what is available and what folks have experience with.

Open to other suggestions!