Klipsch Heresy III vs Forte III

I listened to a pair of Heresy III’s today and came away very impressed and would like to know if there’s anybody out there who has also heard the Forte III’s and how they differ from one another and how they’re alike. I guess I’d really like to know if in the same room would the mids/highs be basically the same or would the Forte’s be a bit better? I’m guessing the Forte’s would be better on the low end, or could be.

The Heresy III’s sounded so huge despite their small stature and the tube amp that was being used with them sounded like a great match. I have a Melody AN845 integrated that I could use with either speaker but I’m just wondering if the Forte III’s are worth the extra cost besides just providing more bass. Any thoughts or comments?
The Forte is a completely different speaker than the Heresy.  IMO it sound much more detailed and has a much larger soundstage and presence than the HIII yet is just as musical; maybe more so.  But it's also significantly larger cabinet.

As good as the Forte III is I still prefer Chorus II.  Only available on the used market and rather rare.

I listened to both and although the Forte sounded fine I bought the Heresy IIIs which are great sounding, much less expensive, a considerably smaller speaker, and do sound very substantial in my medium largish room using a 12wpc SEP amp. You do need a sub or two with Heresy IIIs and I had those already, which allow me to adjust bass here and there if needed...Fortes are gonna give you rear firing bass galore that's non adjustable.
I forgot to mention I have a pair of Rythmik subs I could use and do like being able to control the bass rather than getting what you get from a passive radiator. I’m intrigued though to hear how the mids and highs sound on the Forte’s and what improvevements or differences they bring. The HIII’s were very musical and enjoyable being driven by a Line Magnetic 219 that I think my Melody would be just as good a match.