Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

WHY are you all still working on this one?  I already posted the final answer:

I have PERSONALLY spoken to the electrons, and they stated unequivocally that they NEED BURN IN.  It makes it MUCH easier to travel down a wire that is already "slick" from the previous electrons that leave behind a smoother surface.  

Case closed.  (Interview the electrons YOURSELF if you doubt this--don't take my word for it.)
If a dealer had demonstrated or/and sold a cable, for some US $3,000.- plus, and unfortunately it is not delivering the promised superiority: What could that dealer or sales person say?
"It will open up and sound better after a burn in".
Only three posts in and you are way too clear-sighted and logical. Stick around, things become murkier over time. 
“I got in my sights, flyboy.” (Sic)

Here, Kitty, Kitty. 🐍💩🙀

Addendum: ole Kitty was quick to amend, and to offend!  🐍💩🙀🙈🙊