Death and Rebirth lives at the center of life - at the heart of understanding. Finding grace in that process ranks as a central challenge and measure of our consciousness. I see music as a key unlocking access to that path.
I beg your permission to suggest a piano album I worked on, Dana Cunningham's first album Dancing at the Gate. Enjoy the journey.
I met young Dana after she had recorded her earliest work in a small room on a 5' Kawai with a single pair of simple mics to ordinary late 90's digital tape - mastered well enough to sell at retreats. I remastered those songs on then (Y2K) audiophile level equipment with my Classe and CS2 2s as monitors. The result transformed the album from being something to hear into an involving musical journey. I think it provides that key more directly than her later Color of Light album produced by Will Ackerman of Windham Hill Records fame, using 18 mics and $multimillion gear. Live music direct to the heart.