Help me power my Kappa 8.1's please!

I would like to Bi-amp these.  

Budget is a real thing (I just dropped about 3500 getting into vinyl)  I'm hoping to spend between 500-1000.

I would consider Vintage gear, but I despise spring clips.  I would prefer something NEW, but am open minded.  Has to look nice.  Blue lights a plus!  Can't I just have everything I want already lol!

Infinity Kappa 8.1
6 ohms
40-300 watts RMS
89dB 2.8V/1 meter 

I've been looking at modern integrated's but the low impedance has me confused about what will be compatible...

Thanks and Happy Friday!

"Could (2) pioneer elite A20’s do the job?"

No, those speakers need serious power. There's some amps available at less than 100wpc that could drive that speaker properly, however they cost well beyond your budget. Save up more money so you can buy an adequate amp. Also, you could get more amp buying used. Something like this,

I just read a review of the Anthem on digitaltrends and if it sounds as good as they make it sound then I WANT ONE!  

With that much power, Bi-wiring should sound great right?  I was thinking Bi-amp but this would simplify things.