Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

I think that gainainm is asking for hypothesis.

Very inconvenient thing in all these discussions is that any kind of testing to support the view, one way or another, is not allowed. Those who ask for measurements get attacked for asking for such a ridiculous thing as measurements. Those who suggest blind tests get ridiculed for such a flawed thing as blind tests. It is puzzling at times, to say it softly. Only quasi-technical babbling seems to be allowed.
Thing is Geoff, nobody HAS given you a Nobel prize. The "appeal to authority" is not MY authority but say, about a million lbs of EE and Physics texts back to Maxwell and Faraday and hundreds of universities, thousand of recording studios and all those players of Strads who laugh at your directional or burnt in wire. Yeah. Appeal to those authorities.

>>>>Millions and millions? Who are you, Carl Sagan? That’s all just a big Strawman argument. You seem to excel at illogical arguments. Nobody said any EE or Physics texts explain why wires are directional or improve on break-in. Nor do they refute it. As I said no scientific laws have been broken in the process. No need for all the angst.

So, in some ways audiophiles are actually smarter than all those millions of lbs of EE and Physics texts and those millions of EE and Physics PhDs who never heard of wire directionality or break in. Or if they have heard of they smugly dismiss it on grounds that it isn’t in their textbooks from school. Do you believe learning stops as soon as you get your diploma? 👨‍🎓

Let me ask you, you don’t really think science is complete, do you? Do you know everything? From what you say you’re objection seems to be that it “doesn’t sound right” to you. In other words you have no real technical argument in this particular area, correct? I mean other than name dropping. Nobody has given you the Nobel Prize, either.

”Knowledge can be defined as what remains after you subtract out all the things you forgot from school.”
... Those who ask for measurements get attacked for asking for such a ridiculous thing as measurements. Those who suggest blind tests get ridiculed for such a flawed thing as blind tests. ...
I don't see that happening here at all. What I do think is odd is that those who clamor for others to pursue measurements or blind testing seem so reluctant to undertake the work themselves.
Only quasi-technical babbling seems to be allowed.

>>>>That’s where you come in.

i see the reason for a car’s brakes - to heat treat the rotors evenly and burnish an set the pads, but I have never seen any explanation for speaker cables.

>>>>We see that here a lot. They frequently say proudly, “I have found no evidence to support their claim.” 😛 Just because you see no reason for it doesn’t mean there isn’t one. There is no apparent reason why a super huge black hole 3 Million times the mass of our sun is in the middle of our galaxy, either. I thought all the world loves a mystery. Ah, sweet mystery of life!