No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 

Going back for a minute to the JPS cable Add.:
Even though it is a power cable, they state: 60A and 14,000W and 250A and 48,000W. Absolutly impressing...
By the AWG standard ( a 60A requires an 8 AWG and 250A a 000 AWG (50% thicker than a 0 AWG. Two are required and a GND). None would fit into that cable, even it looks really thick.
Do you see the nylon sleev? It’s for you not to see what is beneath it.
However, the IEC standard 60906-2 (2011) limits the power to 20A.
Older versions are up to 15A.
Any liscenced electrician would tell you that. What they state is not legal.
That would end with burned or melted pins on the plug. A house line is also limited and even the 60A needs a 3 phase instalation. The plug showen is for 1 phase. A long story is told there, without any sense to back up the price (?).
I'm just trying to show you guys, what is going on in this dubious industry.
My question, is what is that good for? So is the thing with speaker cables. They will tell you a lot to keep a friday night conversation on the subject, to keep you happy, but not much of the most important and required properties.
Been reading this and find it interesting. I would buy a tinned finely stranded pure copper 0 gauge wire which may actually sound great based on my experience with stranded tinned copper wire from Duelund, Western Electric and Supra. Such wire is available using oxygen free pure copper.  Not sure how I would terminate just yet.
Mr. grannyring
What equaipment are you going to connect, and how long your cable is going to be?
I’ll repeat my say: not all need a 0 AWG! some don’t need a thick cable at all, some do, some need it even thicker. It better be calculated.
It would be a dissapointing DIY project to end it up with no actual sonic benefit.
I’m not saying go 0 AWG it’s the best! I’m saying let’s calculate (engineering!) the right cable and than get it, the first time right.
I understand completely OP. Just looking generally at this topic.

20 feet long. Must run cables under the house to keep it clean looking per wife. Fireplace in the center. Lyngdorf 2170 and Dali Epicon 6. I make cables and do mods as a part time gig.

The 2170 is not going ever 🙂

Based on your way of thinking, which I don’t agree with totally, I would need thick gauge. I use 7 AWG now.   It comes down to personal preference and listening. However I am always open minded and willing to experiment. You need better conductors than your chosen cable in my opinion. Copper clad aluminum is not as good as I would desire. Thus my post here.
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