Kinki EX M1 user comments

I’m really happy with the sound of my EX M1, and I’d like to encourage folks to post their comments as they join the user base. I started using mine around August 24, and though I was skeptical about just how good the sound would be, or that it would improve over time, I was wrong on both counts. 

Also, I hope folks will note engineering or other changes as they occur. So far, there is a gain switch and a ground jumper, and silver rather than black remotes versus the original.

Let’s start hearing from new users! 
Are you using high or low gain?  I’ve never used low gain. My typical listening level is between 15 and 20 with a Bluesound node 2, set to about 90% gain. I’m delighted with high gain, but curious about none. 👀
not sure whatever it came set as ....I think its up?
have a BS vault also...around the same vol level  though I do pump up 
a bit when no ones around   ...DB app says I'm usually around 85

Look on the back for a high gain toggle. They come set to high.

Budda, this is a great amp!  🙀
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mine was set to low  I believe (down) I toggled it up &
immediately it was louder ..was at almost 40 volume  down ..
put it up & had to turn the vol down to 20 something

sounds great