All Quiet on the Oppo front?

Many Oppo fans were talking about getting their pre-ordered UDP-205's a month ago, but no new posts as to current status. I haven't heard a word. I kinda thought there would be a July release, but apparently not.

Anybody receive any news from Oppo in the past month? 
Totally out of sync with my understanding of Oppo and their ground rules. 
I asked about Allan’s claim of getting on the list by an alternative means. Oppo said no such alternative pathway exists. 

Oppo just posted yesterday that the last batch of 205s are all gone.  If you have not received a notice to buy one by now then the only way to buy one is to get a new one on Ebay for around $2350.  After a few weeks the only ones left will be even higher in price.  End of story!  So long Oppo.

I am so glad I got one.  The modified Oppo is incredible (better on discs than the modded LKS DAC or modded Sonica DAC).  Will be using it for years and years.

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