Best way to organize 6000 albums?

I currently have about 2000 albums arranged alphabetically. I purchased a collection that was randomly numbered ( each new album owner purchased received the next available number ) and came with a DBASE file as an index. I have a few thousand in boxes gathering dust. I am wondering if anyone has ingeneous ideas as to how to have access to all albums and make them easy to browse through. The least amount of space used the better. I guess I prefer parallel to the wall as it is easier to flip through them and see the covers ( for guests ). I'm thinking of a vertical rack shaped like the ride the zipper with rows of album storage trays, it can be rolled vertically through placing each row at the appropriate level ?? any ideas welcome...any diy out there in this vain.
I have a collection of about 2000 classical LP's. Finding a particular one was sometimes a difficult task. I undertake to catalogue them using CDpedia, a software that runs on Macintosh. There is also the mobile version (Pocketpedia) that display the database on an iPhone or iPad. You can do modifications of the database on both. CDpedia can also download data from a variety of sites. I use Discogs where I find 80% of the entries already documented (included the Artwork, the Label, the tracks, etc). Very satisfied after two years of use.
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I had about 1500 LPs. Then my closest audiophile friend died and left more than 6000 LPs, from which his wife invited me to take my pick.  I selected about 900 of his LPs, and I think she gave away the rest.  Faced with that windfall, I found a furniture company in Brooklyn that would build me a custom cabinet to my specs, designed for about 800 LPs to be stored on end with the binders facing out.  I also bought a second cabinet that is more like the one you describe, covers facing forward so you can flip through them, two shelves with two rows per shelf.  That probably holds about 500 LPs.  I keep jazz vocals in that cabinet, arranged only by alphabetical order according to the names of the vocalists.  (On another level of my house, I have two more storage spaces for jazz vocalists.)  In the new 800-LP cabinet from Brooklyn, I have nearly all jazz instrumentalists, all arranged alphabetically by player names.  The lowest shelf contains some vintage R&R, including Beatles and Stones, and some Latin jazz.  I don't organize by label at all.  I go by the artist and the genre.
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Organization is such a personal thing, depending on how our own minds work.  One of my audio buddies has around 10,000 LPs and he files them by label name then record number.  That works for him.

From the time I began collecting records I've arranged them by category, then alphabetically by major artist or composer (for classical).  My collection is one-third the size of his but so much easier for me to find what I'm looking for.