Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
The E-Mats made a solid sound improvement after 24 hours.  The effect improved in my system up to 3 weeks.  Some of the E-Mats sounded great after initial placement (first six).  Placing the last six took more time to improve the sound, like 24 hours.  

I have no idea what's in them or how they work.  With the 30 day money back guarantee, I had no problem trying them out.  

Remember, the first one on the main power panel made an immediate noticeable and significant improvement to audio and video.
   Lemonhaze,  in my opinion the mats combined with total contact are one of the best values in tweaks.  Total contact totally changed my system for the better.  Also the e mats have greatly improved soundstage depth and bass in particular.  Also used together they give a relaxed presence to the music which I have not heard with any other tweak.  It really is hard to explain but if you get the tc and a couple mats you will understand what all the fuss is about

I treateted all my connections with total contact and as stated in most previous posts I concure with those positive reviews and descriptions.

As as for the mat, I placed one on my old Opus 21 CD player and one on the back of my breaker panel. That was stunning, in a good way. 

I have tweaked my systems over the years with Stillpoints, Audience Power chords, power treatment, speaker cables, and interconnects and have found the TC and the Mats to “tighten up” those affore mentioned upgrades. 

Have fun,


One last item, Tim has always been open and responsive to all my questions and concerns. He answers emails and calls.
