Magnepan MG-1 sonically challenged?

Hi planar fans with a good memory, I have a question for you guys, does the old and aged MG-1 compare sonically with any of the latest offerings from Magnepan? I heard a pair the other day and they sounded really good to me. Are the new generation Magnepan streets ahead sound wise?
Thanking you in advance.
I just sold my MG-1s, last November. Had them for over 20 years and thru 1 rebuild in White Bear Lake......
terrific in all regards. Not the highest highs or lowest lows, but fed enough power, they were credible.
lo-fi visitors were nearly ALL amazed and would walk around the back and put there ears up to them. The 'stand in front' demo usually wowed em, too, since the image was (sort of) unimpaired by that.
All these virtues are pretty much intact in my new MG1.6s.
Better highs and bass. downside? Tougher to place, need even MORE power and ruthlessly reveal poor upstream goods.
They are forcing me to upgrade the room, as well.
I kinda miss 'em, old school oak frames and all.
I had MG-1's for 20+years and just sold them last November.
I'll kind of miss the old-school Oak Frames and cheesy black base. up to 6 or 7 years ago, Magnepan was more than happy to fix 'em, too...and install new socks.
Great imaging, marginal highs and lows. A little (lot, actually) power hungry. People visiting for the first time and people coming over to do some work were always wowed and curious. The stand in front demo and the fact that the sound comes out of the front AND back equally shook some up. No cones? No problem!
I think the new generation with the full and 'quasi' ribbons are a step up, but are perhaps more demanding of upstream components and setup.
If I still had 'em, I'd love to hear them with my HSU sub and find a nice aftermarket supertweeter....just for the sake of experiment.
I have owned both the original 1's and the 1.6's. In every respect I think the 1.6's are better with the greatest improvement being better dynamic range, they do better low level information and can swing to the loud end of the spectrum in a flash. The original 1's were somewhat flat IMO (and I used an Audio Research D52 to drive them which was pretty nice) though still pretty good.