I look at the new speakers.  They look cheaper and they are not as musical.  It’s like they are trying to be what they are not. What the hell happened?
I guess this is what happens when your new ownership is a holding company; Fine Sounds Group now called McIntosh Group.


Which Sonus Faber line are you referring to? If it's the Venere, which is the entry level line, are made in China and the build quality and sonic performance aren't the same as the other higher end models.
I own an early pair of Sonus Faber Electa Amators, but I’m not some fanboy. I haven’t followed every move the company made after they reissued the wonderful Extrema (wish I had bought an original pair). The last I remember, Franco Serblin had passed away and the company was acquired by a conglomerate. Now, it’s just marketing, magazine reviews and hi-fi shows to get your product sold. I believe the speakers are now made in China. Just a sign of the times...evolutionary, and not too surprising. Have I answered your question?
The Venere was made in China. The new Sonetto speakers which replace them are FANTASTIC. 

The lowest end speaker line they have now is the Sonetto and those are made in Italy.  Let’s not spread inaccurate information.