Power conditioners and wall warts

Is there any point in plugging a wall wart into a power conditioner, other than surge protection? Could it be a negative thing to do?
I have any some success reducing noise when plugging a switching power supply into a power conditioner. Audible results most often with turntables. Power conditioners can also ensure the power going into the switching power supply remains clean and stable.
for serious music listening I unplug all wall warts in the house and unplug my video system (from Charles Hansen of Ayre) 
Chuck, you can use a linear power supply (LPS) and get rid of the wall-wart. A LPS uses a toroidal or R-Core transformer instead of the switched mode PS found in the cheap and noisy W-W. The result will be a significant improvement in sonics; better dynamics and detail, larger soundstage, lower noise floor.

You just need to know the voltage and amperes needed to run your TT.

Thanks. Any brand or model recommendations for an LPS to replace a typical wall wart?