@elizabeth said:
Elizabeth: care to explain what you mean?
I say specially when the mice are in the Man’s underpants.
Elizabeth: care to explain what you mean?
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Liz: can we/you please stay on point. What's going on inside men's pants (as you view it) has no place here. Why not, instead, tell us how all those diamond studded recepticles cooking on your refrigerator are progressing - much more humor and entertainment there and it is at least remotely related to audio. |
phomchic ... given the vastly superior dynamic range of a CD compared to an LP, and the perfect reproduction of the data stream from a CD compared to the distorted output of an LP cartridge, a CD is clearly capable of vastly better reproduction.This is where the pro-CD argument falls apart, because listening can reveal that CD does not inherently enjoy a "vastly superior" advantage over LP. The CD’s superior dynamic range is one of potential, and only rarely utilized. Other limits of LP performance - such as wow and flutter - can be well below audibility, so there’s no need for improvement. I’ve defended CD here against those who invent explanations of its defects, such as the mythical "staircase" argument. But at the same time, I’ll defend LP from those who don’t understand the extent of its performance limits. The claim that CD is "vastly superior" is just as nonsensical as the "staircase" and "dropout" claims of its critics. Both CD and LP are capable of extraordinary performance. And at their best, they sound very much more alike than different. |
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