Symposium Ulta Shelf under floor standing speakers - Any Thoughts ?

Symposium is no doubt a great company with a long with standing pedigree in the Audiophile community. I was looking at their products and they had mentioned that they do have a platform that will work wonders under floor standing speakers. So, I though I would toss the question out to the group and see what everyone thought. The Symposium shelves do wonders under equipment, so what do they do to speakers ?   Thank you in advance .......

EBM - do not reply unless you truly have something to offer and or have them under your own speakers. 

OK, so, I’m an old school isolation guy, meaning mass on spring isolation system with extremely hard coupling between the component and the iso device and between the iso device and the floor. If the Symposium is such a device I’m all for it but I notice on their web site they say their shelf can be used with roller balls and on top of low frequency iso stands, which means it’s not (rpt not) a seismic type iso device, rather a vibration damper/absorber. And go add that the Ultra shelf will not solve low frequency footfall problems either. Which is a little odd, since the speakers wouldn’t be subject to very low frequencies of any type. If the components were not isolated then isolating speakers would not help for seismic type vibration of other causes, they would be lower than the lowest frequency of the speakers. Obviously all components, including the speakers, should be isolated from very low frequency vibration for best results.
….thank you geofkait as THAT was more helpful than your other normal rubbish. I currently have everything on HRS platforms and stands and wondering what technology would be best under speakers.

Yep, I just got floor-standing speakers due to their bigger size, floor-standing speakers can have more drivers (the piece of a speaker that makes sound). This permits the speaker to send specific frequencies (high pitch, midrange, bass) to a driver tailor-made for those sounds. I also found the change in the price of a speaker but couldn't even go price match as its policy sucks.